domingo, 25 de março de 2012


Olá, pessoal.
Desculpem a falta de novas postagens no blog, mas garanto que é por uma boa causa. É que comecei o período da faculdade e, como faço letras, tenho que fazer inúmeras leituras, o que me tira o tempo até para ser criativo, infelizmente.
Mas, enfim, estou aqui hoje com um novo texto no blog, que decidi publicar em dois dias separados. Por quê? Se eu disser que é porque eu quero, além de ser grosseiro, vai ser mentiroso. A verdade é que eu vou publicar o mesmo texto, só que duas vezes. Perda de tempo? Não! É que o texto que vou colocar aqui foi escrito por mim (óbvio) primeiro em inglês. Depois, eu traduzi e adaptei o texto para o português e, é claro, o texto mudou um pouco o seu sentido. Como o texto é meio grande, não faz sentido postá-lo duas vezes no mesmo dia, porque ninguém vai ler. assim sendo, resolvi separar a postagem em dois dias, assim vocês apreciam mais e eu trabalho menos... ops, quer dizer, eu publico mais textos no blog.
E como fica a postagem? Hoje será a versão em inglês, porque é a que eu fiz primeiro. Amanhã eu publico a versão em português e vemos no que dá, que tal?
Enfim, espero que gostem.
Grande abraço a todos,

Bruno Leandro

I was once in a place full of clarity and of good people and good food.
The air was like a perfume, one with the most vivid scent.
The animals and plants grew near human environments and were treated as equals.
They treated us as equals, as well.
Dogs and wolves barked and howled in a loud tone at our arrival.
Insects and worms agitated themselves in an excited way.
Birds started a chanting of an elevating energy, a powerful sonority, a great sonata.
Fish moved the ocean in a turbulent passionate way.
Roses, dandelions, lilacs and flowers of all sorts of colors and of all sorts of loves were there, shining their beauty.
Stars crossed the sky while we were talking about causes and effects, about reasons and consequences.
They were saluting us.
The minds, great minds of the world, worked together in a matter of peace.
My spirit was among them and we were brothers and sisters in a cause.
We wanted the peace of the world.
Men, animals, plants, minerals, all kinds of beings, we started our reunion.
There was no waste on such meeting and we had a goal to achieve.
Ages passed while we were sharing our thoughts and feelings.
Centuries disappeared in a blink of an eye.
A millennium, or maybe two, held its breath to see us play ours schemes and fantasies.
The life, eternal life, became somewhat like a torrent of ideas.
The ideas, materializing themselves, started to explode in a variety of dimensions.
Those dimensions gave birth to new worlds and these worlds were our own, anew, renewed.
I caught myself wondering marveled, amazed, astonished and puzzled: what have we done?
When the greatest minds and the wisest of beings came together, nothing seemed impossible.
In fact, nothing was impossible.
We were making a new history: one in which everyone would walk together, one in which peace wouldn’t ever more be an unreachable word, hidden from the eyes of any being.
We succeeded.
Sadly, something went wrong.
Some lives later I saw myself back to where everything had started.
I went back to where my body was waiting my spirit’s regress.
I was within myself again and the morning has come.
My eyes opened themselves blinking slowly and I felt sad, leaving a world of possibilities behind.
I know I was dreaming, but it was a great dream, the most beautiful of them.
A dream in which we acted as equals, animals, plants and men.

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